What should I do to become an event manager?

Nowadays there is a huge craze of becoming event manager among teenagers. The reasons for this are many, including an opportunity to travel to different cities and also in foreign countries, glamour associated with this job, good salary and exciting lifestyle. While the opportunities for those who wish to join this exciting job are immense, the main problem many people face is how to enter this distance in the first place.

If you already have a family owned event management company, then it is very easy for you because, in this type of job, the experience is counted more than your certificates. However, if you wish to join any top wedding event management companies in India, then having a degree from a reputable institution will boost your chances immensely.
One thing that makes getting a formal degree in a course to become an event manager so popular is that it is open for students from all streams; science, commerce or arts. You can get admitted to a reputable institute that teaches event management courses after you pass class 12. There are numerous colleges that offer certificate and even degree courses in this field. Do some research about these institutes to find out which one is better for you? Look at the infrastructure of the institute and also find out whether the faculty is experienced.  After you are satisfied with the infrastructure and facilities, the next step is the find out what they are teaching and how relevant it is in modern time. Additionally, you should also look at how far the institute is from your home and how much they are charging for the course. If you find the institute ticks all the right boxes then get yourself admitted there.

After you have completed the course, then you can either build your own startup or join any reputable event organiser in South Delhi. When you join a big company, then you don’t have to think about all the issues that are important for properly running a startup. You will get a job fixed by your superior who will also guide you in case you face any difficulty. You will also get an assured income.
However, if you find working under somebody else not your cup of tea and want to take your destiny in your own hand, then there is nothing more exciting than building your own start-up. Building a startup is not easy; you will need capital, planning, experience and customers. Therefore, first, try to learn the ropes by working under an experienced event manager and then make a good plan for your startup. Get it approved by the bank to get the finance and then start marketing; both through the traditional method of giving advertisements in the newspapers and also adopting effective digital online marketing.

It is only through persistent effort on your part and your ability to give good services to your clients, you will be able to create goodwill in the market, which in turn allows your business to grow and help you to realise your dreams.  
